Daisey and Violet were born in England in 1908. Born as conjoined twins, they were attached to the hip and buttocks. They toured as sideshow acts from the age of 3 but our best known for their roles in the movies Freaks and Chained for Life. (Freaks was panned by critics and Chained for Life was banned in many places due to its content. )
Their marriages were about as successful as their movie careers. Daisey was married to vaudeville dancer Harold Estep for an everlasting two weeks. And Violet married her dance partner, James Walker "Jim" Moore, but got divorced a few years later.
In 1952, the Hilton twins opened a hamburger stand called The Hilton Sisters' Snack Bar. But that too was doomed to failure for people did not want to be served food by two "freaks". Sadly, the two sisters died penniless in their trailer from the Hong kong Flu.
Thus, I have painted the Hilton twins as two grumpy, young brats gravely unhappy with their role as side show novelty acts.