Here is some wallpaper art that I made a few years ago. I did this one with Painter's impasto and oil brushes on black
wood grain. The girl and animals are a bit boring, but I like the look of bright fall colors on black. I might attempt this technique again, but with more interesting characters. It is such a challenge to create depth using only color and size because black flattens everything.
See Here or Here
ooh wonderful piece... love the dynamic colors offset by the stark background.. so many goodies in here.. well don
The black background makes everything stand out more. Great illo.
Hi..I guess I'm number 5 of the people who read your blog according to your posts!Lovely work...and I'll keep reading!
Lovely, lovely! That is a delightful garden!
very striking. nice use of black, and color.
Carlyn, love how it all fits together. Nice work!
I'm very partial to bright colors against a black background in my own work too. Makes the colors pop! Great illo - full of life's goodness and bounty.
Very nice painting. Beautifully done. I specially like the bright colors against the black background.
this is great - the black background really makes the colours pop.
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